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Birth/Baptism: Stephen Toussaint 21 Sept 1784 / 22 Sept 1784

1784      57

Dies et hora nativitatus

dies et mensis Baptismi

21: hora ii: vespers

Stephanus filius legitimus joannis stephan Etien Toussaint et catharina Vogels ex sourbrad natus et Baptizatus est. Patrini fuere stephanus Toussaint ex sourbrad et catharine Vogels ex Moeringen ita testamus

22 da 7 bris

Hand X zeichen     stephan toussaint
Hand X zeichen     catharina Vogels

Schreibens unerfahren gatten

1784      57
Day and hour born
Day and month of baptism
21: 2 pm Stephanus legitimate son of Joannis Stephan Etien Toussaint and Catharina Vogels from Sourbrad was born and baptised. Godparents were Stephanus Toussaint from Sourbrad and Catharine Vogels from Moeringen, which was witnessed by 22 September

Hand X mark     Stephan Toussaint
Hand X mark     Catharina Vogels

Writing incapable spouses

[Document is in Latin, but witness lines are in German.]

Stephan Toussaint birth
© Steven M. Condon. All Rights Reserved.