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BAPTISM:  Mathias Ethen  18 May 1851

1851  42 Anno millesimo octingentismo quinquagesimo primo
Decima septima
natus et altera
die baptisatus est.
Mathias filius Henrici Ludovici Ethen et Catharina Toußaint conjugum in Murringen.  levantes erunt Mathias Heinags et gertrud Toussaint, ambo sotiuti (soluti?) ex Murringen.

1851    42 Year thousand eight hundred fifty first
The 17th born
and the next day baptized
Mathias Son of Henry Ludwig Ethen and Catharina Toussaint married in Murringen.  Godparents were Mathias Heinags and Gertrude Toussaint, both free persons? coming from Murringen.

[Sotiuti is unknown as a Latin word, but another record used soluti in the exact same way.  If so, it means free and unrestrained.]

Mathias Ethen christening
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