Discover Your Past

Condon, Kleckner, Gilles, Ethen, Milton, Meyer, Mitchell, and Liston Family History

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This project started with an Anthropology course in Kinship while I was at Iowa State in 1973. At that time I got information from several people, including Jim Condon (Condon and Kleckner families), Mrs. Frances Rogers Kleckner (Kleckner family), Mrs. Sophie Ethen Finnegan and Fr. Roscoe Finnegan (Weber and Ethen families), Mrs. Agnes Dowell Rosenbaum (Mitchell family), Mrs. Lucy Baird Patrick and Mrs. Hilda Kagel Baird (Milton family), and Mrs. Alex Liston Fischer (Liston family).

In the latter 70's and into the 80's my mother, Betty Condon, continued to collect information, especially on the Kleckner family, and has continued to keep me informed of events (mainly deaths) in all of the families.

Since re-starting this project I've gotten additional information from many sources. The table below shows which individuals have helped for each family branch.

Condon William Condon [of Illinois], Mary Ann Little, Ed Ackerman, Mrs. Pat Condon Frank, Mrs. Adrian Hentges, Mrs. Gerald Hentges, Jim Burke, Mrs. Mary Condon Rice, Doris Condon, Peg Huffstutler, Sally Moag, Maureen Moag, Kathryn Edwards, Eileen Edwards
Kleckner Jim Weber, Connie Fox Lievrouw, Todd Helfter
Gilles Todd Helfter, Emily Kuntz, Sr. Catherine Gilles
Ethen Darrell Schulte,Tom Steichen, Kathy Severance, Mary Kay Amberg, Denny Ethen, Stephen Schafer
Meyer/Weber Don Drimmel, Rose Hemmesch (who compiled the Meyer book in the 1970s)
Milton Don Patrick, Lou Geiger, Allyn Milton
Mitchell Mrs. Margaret Wright Schaub
Margaret Schaub, Sara Corrigan McInerney, Duncan Battison

I'd be remiss if I didn't especially acknowledge the help from Lou Geiger, Mary Ann Little, and Mary Kay Amberg who I've corresponded with extensively, and who have provided a wealth of information. I got a tremendous amount of information from a book on the Milton family, compiled by Don Patrick, and from a book on the Meyer family, a copy of which was provided by Don Drimmel.

I've also gotten help from various other people who have corrected photo identifications, dates, places, etc. I apologize for any errors contained herein--please let me know if you have corrections.

Thanks to all who have contributed!

A special note of thanks, January, 2013.
I was saddened to recently learn of the death of Mary Ann Little of Albany and Salem, Oregon.  Mary Ann contributed a wealth of information on the Condon family--not only of her own line, descending from Mary Ann Condon Leonard, but also regarding other family lines.  In particular, she sent me many photographs of historic value that I have posted in the Condon photo section.  I'll always appreciate her important contributions.

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