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Church Marriage: Heinrich Ludwig Ethen & Katharina Toussaint  - 7 June 1838

[Note: this record is found at the bottom of the first image and at the top of the second image.]
No 3 Anno millesimo octingentisimo trigesimo octavo, septima junii, tribus factis de more proclamationibus, nullo detecto vel delato impedimento canonico seu civile, servatis pro utroque (foro) servandis, a me Pastore infra signato, Matrimonium juncti sunt honesti et in fide catholica; quam profitentur instructi Henricus Ludovicus Ethen, filius legitimus Petri Ethen et Magdalena Bruck defuncta,

et catharina
Toßaint filia legitima sephani Toßaint et Maria Catharina Reuter: presentibus qua testibus Mathias Ethen et Sibilla Tossaint: in fidem B Kunkes Pastor

No 3 1838, 7th of June, the usual banns having been proclaimed, no canonical or civil impediments having been found or brought forward for either of the parties - joined in marriage morally and in the Catholic faith which they profess, by me pastor below signed, are Henricus Ludovicus Ethen, legitimate of son Petrus Ethen and Magdalena Bruck, deceased,

and Catharina Tossaint, legitimate daughter of Sephanus Tossaint and Maria Catharina Reuter: present as witness Mathias Ethen and Sibilla Tossaint: in faith.  B Kuchy, Pastor

Ethen-Toussaint marriage

Ethen-Toussaint marriage

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