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"Ludwig and Catherine (Katerina [she was part French]) Ethen lived in Malmody [now spelled Malmedy], Germany, now in Belgium, near Aachan. Because the authorities began requiring young men to serve 3 years in the army they chose to bring their family, 6 boys, at least, plus girls, to the U.S., including John, who was 3½. They left Germany in 1849. Ludwig was a stone mason. Their fortunes brought them to Guttenberg, Iowa where he built a Catholic church, still standing, out of field stone [Old St. Mary Church; has been replaced by newer churches]. He saved money and came to Fort Atkinson in Iowa and stayed awhile because the Indians were in an uproar.When possible they went on to St. Anthony, Minnesota, now Minneapolis. There he got the army contract to haul flour by wagon and oxen to Fort Pembina, North Dakota, at the corner of North Dakota, Minnesota, and Canada--a rough and long journey. Then, when he'd saved money he homesteaded around St. Joseph, Minnesota. There he built another church of field stone which is still standing.
Ludwig and Catherine died at 64 and 67 [actual ages -- Ludwig, 67, Catherine 60].
Son John homesteaded around Spring Hill, Minnesota. There he married Cecilia Spaethe [also spelled Spaeth, Spath]. They had 4 children-Joe, Mary, Tony, and Catherine. Cecilia died at 33 in childbirth. [When Cecilia died the band marched in her funeral.] Then he married Catherine Weber, daughter of Claudius Weber and Barbara Meyer. They had Alfonse-died in infancy, Frank-died of peritonitis, Rose, Sophie, Gene, Claude, Louis, Clarence-died 1966 throat cancer, Andy.
John died of throat cancer at 87
Catherine died of stroke at 77
After homesteading they moved to Richmond, Minnesota. Claudius Weber had the brewery in Richmond. John built a large hotel [the Central House] and livery there. They would occasionally have dances through the night. [They had to stop by 6:00 am on Sunday to go to church.] He sold that and had a small hotel and butcher shop in St. Cloud.
[Dad {Louie} says that he can remember being sent [to] the brewery for the bucket of beer for dinner. Everyone had a little bucket with a lid and got fresh beer each day.]
Dad's {Louie's} father's oldest daughter, Mary, by Cecilia, married Dad's mother's brother, Jacob Weber. They had 9 daughters-Cecilia, Theresa, Sara (Bloomer), Alma (Kolb), Connie (killed in car accident), Josephine (died young-water baby), Emalinda, Lorraine.
Cecilia and Theresa married brothers (Miller). Theresa married Mike Miller.
Cecilia's husband was brewmaster at Cold Spring Brewery, Minnesota.
Theresa ran a restaurant in Paynesville, Minnesota. Her daughter married a dentist in Phoenix.Catherine [Weber] Ethen's brothers and sisters [children of Claudius Weber]:
Barbara Kirchner-Richmond, Minn.
Maggie Becker-repaired shoes; Richmond, Minn.
Jacob Weber-drey line; Richmond, Minn.
Tony Weber-lumberjack; Bemidji
William-lumberjack; Bemidji
William's daughter Clara was adopted by John and Catherine Ethen. She was a nurse who married a Chisholm from Bemidji.
Mary Becker-Menomini, Minn.
Lucas-drowned at 18
Elizabeth-married John Wink; St. Cloud; worked at Cold Springs Brewery.
[John Ethen's family]:
Frank - married Ann Anderson who had Billy - adopted him
John & Bob - Lived in St. Paul
Rose - Rosemary, Shirley, Sara Lou, Dick, Jean, Tom, Doreen
Sophie - Roscoe Finnegan (Buster)
Gene - Christine McLeane, John
Claude - Laura [1st wife], Gladys [2nd wife], Claude Jr.
Clarence - [wife] Hilda, Dorothy, Donald, James, Jeanne
Andy - [wife] Gertrude Kosel, Kathleen (Bill Johnson), Mary Ann (Norman Berkeley), Francis
The account above, which mentions the
ancestral homeland of the Ethens, is fairly accurate. New
research has provided us with the names of the villages in the
area of Malmedÿ, Belgium, which can be seen at this page: Ethen Origins.
Thanks to Tom Steichen, Kathy
Severance, and especially Mary Kay Amberg, I've been able to
further piece together the story of our Ethen family in this
country. From a paragraph in what was probably a Stearns
County business atlas it was revealed that the Ethen family
immigrated to this country in 1852. This is verified by a
passenger manifest from the ship Maria that arrived in the
U.S. on June 23, 1852 from Antwerp, Belgium. Details of this
list are shown on the Ethen
Origins page. They first settled in Guttenburg,
Iowa, in Clayton County, where a 39 year-old H. Ludwig Ethen
signed a Declaration of Intentions,
on July 20, 1852,the first step in the naturalization
process. Note that the Declaration was signed 'H. Ludwig
Ethen', probably indicating that he went by the name Ludwig,
not Heinrich or Henry. His tombstone is also
inscribed 'Ludwig Ethen', supporting that notion.
On April 15, 1853 a land transfer from Samuel
Wardall, a Private in Captain Hook's Company of the Maryland
Militia in the War of 1812 was made to Henry L. Ethen.
This document, along with the Declaration of Intentions,
firmly establishes the Ethen family in the Guttenburg area in
the early 1850s.
Additionally, the IAGenWeb
Project shows records for an 1854
census in Jefferson Township, Clayton County,
Iowa. The record is for a Henry L. Ethen, with 9
males and 3 females in the household.
A few words are appropriate here
concerning how the Ethen family came to be in the Guttenberg
area. A valuable resource is the document "Guttenberg,
Iowa, The "Limestone City" of Clayton County, Its Architecture
and History, 1854-1951" written by James E. Jacobsen in
2001. This document was prepared under provisions of the
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 in order to
inventory the historic resources of the Guttenberg area and to
suggest preservation efforts. The following excerpts are
from that document; the document is available through the Guttenberg city web
"The earliest Euro-American occupation of the narrow floodplain along the Mississippi is not well-documented but probably occurred shortly before or after eastern Iowa was opened to white settlement by the Black Hawk Treaty of 1833. A seasonal campground of the Sauk and Mesquakie tribes in the 1820's, this area may have hosted Indian traders in those years, who viewed the plain, with narrow creek valleys opening into it from between high limestone bluffs, as a good place from which to conduct business and gain access to the prairie interior to the west. The tiny settlement which grew up on the plain was called Prairie la Porte, and as the largest population center in newly-established Clayton County, was designated county seat in 1838. This status was not long retained, however, as movement of settlers into western portions of the county resulted in removal of the county seat to more centrally-located Garnavillo in 1843. Within a few years, Prairie la Porte was almost totally abandoned."
"The Western Settlement Society of Cincinnati was a semi-charitable organization founded to aid German immigrants who wished to settle in the American Midwest. In 1844, the Society purchased three hundred acres to the north, and 160 acres to the south, of the Prairie la Porte plat, and the next year acquired the plat as well. Five German families arrived in March 1845, the most determined of an original band of 200 souls, most of whom had remained behind in Burlington, Iowa. By 1851 the town had grown to nearly 300 people, and by 1856 to over 1500, only a few of whom were not German immigrants. The new settlement was appropriately renamed "Guttenberg", and the name was accepted by the State Legislature."
"Perhaps the most striking feature of Guttenberg's architectural landscape is the large number of limestone structures, the majority dating from before the Civil War and some perhaps built as early as the mid-1840's. They represent a rather extensive use of a locally-available but unwieldy, building material, possibly even in preference to equally-available timber. Examples of stone construction include not only industrial and commercial buildings (where the material's load-bearing and fire-retardant qualities would have been most appreciated) but also houses, large and small. Use of limestone is not unique to Guttenberg it is found in many eastern and central Iowa communities, and as in Guttenberg was most commonly used in the 1845-70 period, but the high proportion and variety of stone structures remaining in Guttenberg sets this community apart from many towns of its age in the state."
The significance of these excerpts is that
the second paragraph explains the probable mechanism by which
the Ethen family emigrated from Europe to this country.
Europe was in turmoil in 1848, undergoing a wave of political
unrest across much of the continent. Although the
revolutions ultimately were short-lived, the uprisings caused
economic uncertainty and unemployment throughout the area.
Additionally, the oral history of the Ethen family, cited above,
mentions that young men were subject to the draft, and Ludwig
would have been 35 years old in 1849. Moving to America
must have been a difficult decision, especially with a family of
seven children, but finding a sponsor such as the Western
Settlement Society must have eased the process considerably.
Also interesting is that the oral history
mentions that Ludwig was a stone mason. Perhaps this skill
facilitated his selection as a suitable applicant for relocation
to the Guttenberg area, since limestone structures were
important there. He certainly could have played a role in
building the original St. Mary's church in Guttenberg, although
probably not using field stone, but rather, dressed limestone.
A daughter, Maria or Mary, was
born to Ludwig and Catherine in Clayton County, but the family
soon moved to Stearns County, Minnesota, where their youngest
child, Joseph Clemens, was born. He was said to be the
first white boy born in St. Cloud. Joseph was born in
1856, so the move to Minnesota occurred fairly soon after the
family's arrival in this country. Stephan Schafer has
discovered and provided a scan of Joseph's
birth record. This record is significant, in that
it provides documentation of Joseph's parents names and the
date of Joseph's birth.
On March 18, 1859 Ludwig signed a second naturalization document, which was also signed by his son Peter and an Anton Smith, who testified to the good moral character of Ludwig. Peter had signed his own Declaration of Intentions in 1858 in Stearns County. Son Stephan's naturalization papers were signed on August 11, 1868. They indicate that the family arrived in the U.S. on June 15, 1852. [Other documents and census records spell his name as 'Stephen'; however, his own signature is spelled 'Stephan'.
In all, we have records for 9 Ethen children, although a tenth, possibly named Henry, has also been suggested. The Steichen family history indicates that three Ethen brothers married three Schäfer sisters, one of the Ethens being named Henry. The census data don't indicate a child by this name, so perhaps this Henry was unrelated to our family.
Of Ludwig and Catherine's
children, we know that only one, Maria, died in childhood,
which was remarkable for those days. Records are
incomplete for two other children, Nicholas and Sebela
As the children grew up they
married and established their own households. I've
gotten some interesting homesteading patent documents from the
General Land Office for land obtained by various Ethen men and
for Claudius Weber (father-in-law of John Ethen) and for John
Meyer (father-in-law of Claudius Weber). Homesteading was done
from the years 1865 through 1888, in the terms of Andrew
Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, and Grover Cleveland.
For reference, the farms of Ludwig (in Le Sauk township) and Peter (in St. Joseph township) were located about 6 miles northwest of St. Cloud, and about 5 miles apart. Joseph's land was 7-8 miles southwest of St. Cloud (in Rockville township), and Stephan's another 6 miles southwest of Joseph's (in Maine Prairie township). The land John settled was farther to the west--about a mile north of and 35 miles west of St. Cloud; 1½ miles due west of Greenwald (in Grove and Getty townships). The land homesteaded by Claudius Weber was just southwest of Richmond (in Munson township). I've plotted the general locations of the farmsteads on an old railroad map of Minnesota. (Note: each square on this map is a township--6 miles x 6 miles.) Not shown on the map is the location of John Meyer's land. It was about midway between Peter and John's, northwest of the town of Albany.
By date, the patents were issued to: John Meyer (1865), Claudius Weber (1865), Ludwig (1865), Peter (1866), Stephan, (1866), John (1873), and Joseph (1888). The patents issued to Claudius, Ludwig, Peter, and Stephan were under the 1820 Cash Entry Act, which was based on a claim and auction system of transfer; the patents issued to John and Joseph were under the 1862 Homestead Act, based on a combination of outright sale or on transfer for a small fee after residence and improvement of the land for 5 years.
These documents can be accessed from the Historical documents page.
The following tables are some census data collected by M.K. Amberg. I'm showing the spellings of the names as the original documents showed them. Note that there are several variations of some names, especially for Catherine, the wife of Ludwig.
1860 U.S. Census, Minnesota, Stearns County
Name | Age | Sex | Occupation | Birth place |
Clinton P.O. | ||||
Etton [sic], Henry | 47 | M | farmer | Prussia |
Catherine | 47 | F | keep house | Prussia |
Peter | 25 | M | laborer | Prussia |
Nicolas | 22 | M | laborer | Prussia |
Sebela | 18 | F | laborer | Prussia |
Stephen | 16 | M | laborer | Prussia |
John | 14 | M | laborer | Prussia |
Anton | 12 | M | Prussia | |
Mathias | 10 | M | Prussia | |
Mary | 6 | F | Iowa | |
Joseph | 4 | M | Minnesota | |
Hellin* | 27 | F | Prussia |
*No real knowledge of who this 'Hellin' is. Perhaps a servant or niece?
1865 Minnesota Census, Stearns County
St. Joseph Twp |
Ethen, Ludwig |
Katherine |
Stephan |
John |
Anton |
Mathias |
Joseph |
Ethen, Peter |
Magar |
Henry Ludwig |
Susanna |
Margaretha |
1870 U.S. Census, Minnesota, Stearns Co.
Name | Age | Occupation | Birth place |
Town of St. Wendell | |||
Ethen, Heinrich, L. | 56 | farmer | Prussia |
Katharina | 56 | keep house | Prussia |
Mathias | 19 | farmer | Prussia |
Joseph | 14 | Minn | |
Maine Prairie Twp | |||
Eten [sic], Peter | 32 | farmer | Nothing recorded |
Anna | 22 | keep house | " |
Heinrich | 9 | " | |
Susanna | 7 | " | |
Margaretha | 5 | " | |
Anna M. | 3 | " | |
Katharina | 5/12 | " | |
Lesch, Peter (father-in-law) | 54 | farmer | " |
Town of Getty | |||
Eaton [sic], Stephen | 28 | farmer | Prussia |
Susan | 26 | keep house | Prussia |
John | 2 | Minn | |
Mary | 1 | Minn | |
Cecelia | 5/12 | Minn | |
Town of Getty | |||
Ethen, John | 23 | farmer | Prussua |
Cecelia | 22 | keep house | Bavaria |
Henry L. | 2 | farmer | Minn |
Joseph | 8/12 | Minn |
1880 U.S. Census, Minnesota, Stearns Co., Maine Prairie Twp.
Name | Age | Occupation | Born | Father born | Mother born |
Eathen [sic], Peter | 41 | farmer | Prussia | Prussia | Prussia |
Anna | 32 | keeping house | Prussia | Prussia | Holland |
Henry | 19 | son | Minnesota | Prussia | Prussia |
Susan | 17 | daughter | Minnesota | " | " |
Margaret | 15 | daughter | Minnesota | " | " |
Mary | 14 | daughter | Minnesota | " | " |
Catherine | 10 | daughter | Minnesota | " | " |
Sybill | 9 | daughter | Minnesota | " | " |
Anna | 8 | daughter | Minnesota | " | " |
Madaline | 6 | daughter | Minnesota | " | " |
John | 4 | son | Minnesota | " | " |
Joseph | 2 | son | Minnesota | " | " |
Eliza | 7/12 | daughter | Minnesota | " | " |
Rosa | 7/12 | daughter | Minnesota | " | " |
Loesch, Peter | 69 | father-in-law | Prussia | Prussia | Prussia |
1885 Minnesota Census, Stearns County, Maine Prairie Twp.
Name | Age | Sex | Birth place |
Ethen, Peter | 47 | M | Germany |
Anna | 38 | F | Germany |
Loesch, Peter | 74 | M | Germany |
Ethen, Henry | 24 | M | Minnesota |
Susan | 22 | F | Minnesota |
Catherine | 15 | F | Minnesota |
Sybil | 14 | F | Minnesota |
Anna | 12 | F | Minnesota |
Lena | 11 | F | Minnesota |
John | 9 | M | Minnesota |
Joe | 7 | M | Minnesota |
Elizabeth | 5 | F | Minnesota |
Rosa | 5 | F | Minnesota |
Zilla | 4 | F | Minnesota |
Nick | 1 | M | Minnesota |
1900 U.S. Census, Minnesota*
*Original list includes 9 individual Ethens, ranging in age
from 17 to 39, and classified as student, servant, hired man,
or boarder. These individuals may or may not be related
to our family of Ethens. Data are insufficient to say
for sure.
Name | Relationship | Birth date | Age | Birth place |
Meeker Co., Watkins City | ||||
Ethen, Stephen | July, 1844 | 55 | Germany | |
Susan | W | Jan, 1844 | 55 | Germany |
John | S | Sept., 1867 | 33 | Minn |
Celia | D | Oct., 1869 | 30 | Minn |
Stearns Co., Richmond City | ||||
Ethen, John | Dec., 1848 | 51 | Germany | |
Catherine | W | June, 1865 | 34 | Minn |
Frank | S | Mar., 1884 | 11 | Minn |
Rosalia | D | Dec., 1894 | 5 | Minn |
Sophia | D | Feb., 1896 | 4 | Minn |
Eugene | S | Feb., 1899 | 1 | Minn |
Stearns Co., St. Cloud Twp. | ||||
Ethen, Matthew | May, 1851 | 49 | Germany | |
Magdalena | W | Oct., 1851 | 49 | Pennsylvania |
Constant A. | S | Jan., 1880 | 20 | Minn |
Joseph | S | Aug., 1886 | 13 | Minn |
August | S | June, 1888 | 12 | Minn |
John | S | June, 1890 | 10 | Minn |
Barney | S | June, 1890 | 10 | Minn |
Edward | S | Sept., 1892 | 7 | Minn |
Stephen | S | July, 1895 | 4 | Minn |
1920 U.S. Census, Minnesota*
*There are several other Ethens on this census, some
individual and some families, not all of whom are related to
our family of Ethens. I only showed the families with
children that are related.
Name | Relationship | Age | Birth place |
Stearns Co. | |||
Ethen, John | 73 | Germany | |
Katherine | W | 53 | Minn |
Sophia | D | 22 | Minn |
Claude | S | 19 | Minn |
Clarence | S | 14 | Minn |
Louis | S | 16 | Minn |
Andrew | S | 12 | Minn |
Weber, Clara | Niece (adopted) | 14 | Minn |
Crow Wing Co., Brainerd | |||
Ethen, John (son of Peter) | 43 | Minn | |
Francis | W | 42 | Bavaria |
Frank | S | 18 | Minn |
Anna | D | 16 | Minn |
Margretta | D | 12 | Canada |
St. Louis Co., Duluth | |||
Ethen, Anthony (son of Stephan) | 43 | Minn | |
Katy | W | 43 | Minn |
Susan C. | D | 17 | Minn |
Agnes M. | D | 16 | Minn |
Aloise N.G. | S | 14 | Minn |
Frances C. | D | 8 | Minn |
Stearns Co., St. Cloud | |||
Ethen, Anton C. (son of Mathias) | 40 | Minn | |
Anna | W | 45 | Minn |
Mathias | S | 15 | Minn |
Caroline | D | 14 | Minn |
Florence | D | 12 | Minn |
Alfred | S | 9 | Minn |
Theresa | D | 7 | Minn |